Research Projects
Current and closed research projects.

Software Defined Networks - SDN
    Software defined network is a new architecture paradigm devised to obtain more flexibility and efficiency in communication service provisioning. It is based on the separation of data and control plane to allow direct reconfiguration of the network and virtualization of network functions. Openflow is an important protocol standard currently used for the communication between controller and network elements (switches). This project aims to evaluate the gains of this architecture and investigate innovations to allow better scalability and performance of this approach. Integrantes: Prof. Eduardo Parente Ribeiro (coordenador
    Post Date: October 14, 2016

Multihomed Data Communications
    Multihomed systems have more than one Internet connection. This condition is initially used to increase the resilience, but may also provide an improvement in communication quality in terms of reduced latency and packet losses and increase the throughput. Some time ago, SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) has been standardized by the IETF as a new layer protocol 4, joining the TCP and UDP protocols currently in use. This support multistream and multihomed systems. This project aims to study methods of path selection for improving the communication performance. Reseachers: Eduardo Parente Ribeiro (project coordinator), Carlos Marcelo Pedroso, Alex Torres, Carlos Gouvea, Elton Foggiato, Carlos Gouvea, Guilherme Fernandes de Souza Miguel.
    Post Date: October 14, 2016

Video Streaming over LTE (4G)
    The video streaming is already the main source of Internet traffic. The same will occur with traffic in mobile networks. Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the standard used in most countries, including Brazil. We are interested to evaluate the performance of LTE resource scheduling methods for video traffic, and develop new algorithms. The development is performed using the NS3 simulator. Equipe: Carlos Marcelo Pedroso (coordinator), Joel Barbosa, Evandro Copercini.
    Data: October 14, 2016

Design and Analysis of Cognitive Radio Systems
    This project is focused in the proposal and analysis of new communication schemes using the paradigm of cognitive radio, in order to increase performance and reduce energy consumption of wireless communications. In cognitive radio networks, secondary users (unlicensed) may transmit in the same frequency band which is already being used by the primary users (licensed), with the condition that did not affect the primary users, resulting in more efficient use of licensed frequency bands. If there is more bandwidth available due to a suitable spectral management, it is possible reduce power to achieve the desired transmission capacity. It will be important to identify the trade-off between energy efficiency and service quality, which in turn imposes additional challenges in the design of MAC layer protocols in cognitive radio systems. These challenges this project aims to address the development of medium access mechanisms that are able to adapt in time of changes in the surrounding environment, strategies for spectrum sharing between primary and secondary users and design of algorithms by applying the exchange of information between the various network layers (multilayer). Another objective is to investigate the impact this technology on the performance of wireless communications systems such as cognitive ad hoc networks, mobile communication systems and wireless sensor networks and its possible application in Smart Grid Systems. Integrantes: Prof. Evelio M. García Fernández (coordenador), Prof. Luis Henrique Assumpção Lolis, Samuel Montejo Sánchez, Miguel Amarilla
    Post Date: 2-12-2013

Multimedia transmission strategies for VoD systems
    Due to the large volume of traffic, the systems will be required to implement IPTV multicast transmission in the network core. For channels transmitted in broadcast technology available is adequate. However, considering VoD systems, new challenges to multicast deployment, in order to reduce bandwidth requirements - the use of multicast transmission techniques currently available to provide VoD systems presents problems in the quality of service offered, resulting in reduction in the level user interaction. The goal of the project is to propose new algorithms to overcome the current methods available. Carlos Marcelo Pedroso (project coordinator), Marcio Fabiano Iavorski, Vinicius José Grain.
    Post Date: 2-12-2013

Quality of Experience in IPTV Systems (closed)
    The main objective of this project is to study the quality of experience in IPTV systems, having as main target the quality degradation caused by errors in data transmission over the packet network. Secondary objectives are: implementation of algorithms for improving QoE, modeling the video quality degradation as a function of QoS parameters. Reseachers: Carlos Marcelo Pedroso (project coordinator), Valter Klein, Marino Borges, Evandro Luis Copercini, Guilhermo Tonin Agranionih, Lucas Adamo Andreos, Marino Borges Seixas Junior. Project funded by the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq). Project website (in portugese).
    Post Date: 20-09-2013

Analysis of use of LTE for Smartgrid Communication (closed)
    Technology 3GPP (Long Term Evolution, LTE) is considered a promising solution for integration Smartgrid systems because it provides bandwidth and low latency. However, the LTE was not originally designed for applications of this type, which have restrictions on delay and loss. The goal of this project is the analysis of strategies for the use of LTE for Smartgrid communication, including particular issues of implementation of LTE system in Brazil. The specific objectives are: (1) evaluation of performance of Smartgrid using the LTE, (2) evaluation of mechanisms of quality of service of LTE to support Smartgrid applications, (3) evaluation of the effects of background traffic in QoS parameters and (4) evaluation of the LTE uplink scheduling algorithms to support the requirements of the Smartgrid. This part of a large project between many research intitute in Brasil, including Parana Federal University, Parana Technological Federal University, Pontifical University of Parana, Technische Universitat Dresden (Germany), Kungliga Tekniska hogskolan (Sweden). Waiting approval of Brazilian National Research Council. Reseachers: Carlos Marcelo Pedroso (project coordinator), Eduardo Parente Ribeiro, Luis Lolis, Evélio M. G.Fernández, Cibele Castro, and many others.
    Post Date: July 1, 2015

Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects and Services for 2014 World Cup in Curitiba - Paraná (Technological Development Project) (Closed)
    The project has the overall objective to evaluate the technological developments and monitoring activities required for the realization of the FIFA 2014 World Cup in Curitiba. In particular the proposal comes to projects and infrastructure, regarding the physical execution of projects as the stadium of the games of the World Cup (Arena da Baixada) and infrastructure in its surroundings related to the mega event. In this perspective, the UFPR have many teams analysing several themes: the Stadium of Club Atlético Paranaense, Afonso Pena International Airport in São José dos Pinhais, telecommunications, energy, urban mobility, safety, health, and tourism. Researchers: Sergio Sheer (project coordinator), Carlos Marcelo Pedroso (coordinator of subprojects telecommunication and energy), Barbara Mendes, Paulo Silveira, and many many others. Project funded by the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq).
    Post Date: November 1, 2014

Development of a new model for VoIP traffic characterization (Closed)
    The classical models used for telephone traffic modeling can not be used for modeling of Voice over Internet communication (VoIP), for two main reasons: (1) the session time in VoIP systems present higher probability of occurrence of extreme values​​, which differs from the classical approach that uses Markovian models and (2) the traffic profile generated depends heavily on the encoding / decoding (codec) in use. Thus, if the classical theory modeling of voice systems is applied to VoIP, the system tends to underestimate the traffic demand. This project aims to analyze samples collected in real traffic telecom operators and propose a model to characterize a system appropriately VoIP. Reseachers: Carlos Marcelo Pedroso (project coordinator), Eduardo Parente Ribeiro, Carlos Ignacio Mattos, Rafael Alessi Muntsch, Willian Daniel de Mattos, Edgard Masshiro Munetiko. Patent: Método para Geração de Tráfego de Voz sobre IP - Data de Concessão: 22/04/2015. 2011, Brasil. Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: PI11060255, título: "Método para Geração de Tráfego de Voz sobre IP - Data de Concessão: 22/04/2015" , Instituição de registro: INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial. Depósito: 29/04/2011; Concessão: 22/04/2015.
    Post Date: December 2, 2013

Carlos Marcelo Pedroso

Eduardo Parente Ribeiro

Evelio García Fernández

Luis Henrique Assumpção Lolis