Team: Prof. Eduardo Parente Ribeiro, Prof. Marlio do Couto Bonfim, Profª. Giselle Lopes Ferrari Ronque and Prof. André Mariano.
Abstract: This project aims to research and develop an instrumentation system for monitoring signals with application in industry, environment and in the medical field. Several types of sensors can be used to transduce the signals of interest. Electronic conditioning and subsequent analog-to-digital conversion is applied for digital signal processing. This project includes the study of all stages of the development of these instrumentation systems.
Team: Prof. Eduardo Parente Ribeiro.
Abstract: This project aims to research and develop electronic devices for monitoring physical and chemical variables in rivers, lakes or the sea. The devices must electronically condition the signals coming from sensors and digitize them for transmission by radio systems to the receiving station on land. It is planned to study and improve protocols of wireless sensor networks to carry out data communication. The transmission of several types of signals from
the measured variables is foreseen, in addition to the image and video of the monitored location. Study and development of techniques to reduce the
energy consumption of devices will also be carried out to increase the period of operation with battery and the supply of energy from sources such as
sun, wind, waves or other alternative forms.
Team: Prof. André Mariano, Prof. Márlio Bonfim, Prof. Oscar Gouveia Filho, Prof. Bernardo R. B. de Almeida Leite.
Abstract: This project aims to develop electronic circuits and systems in the fields of analog, mixed-signal, digital, and radio-frequency (RF) electronics. The objective is to contribute to the development of innovative solutions that improve the performance of integrated systems compatible with the evolution of integration technologies. This project encompasses both fully integrated solutions (fabrication on silicon substrates) and embedded solutions using programmable integrated devices. The latter represent an important step for validating digital solutions before the full integration of the system into ICs.
Team: Prof. Marlio Bonfim.
Abstract: Engineering is becoming more and more present in the medical field, be it assisting with instrumentation and equipment or creating solutions such as prostheses and artificial organs. The prosthesis area has made significant advances to make people's lives easier or to repair a deficiency. For this purpose we have the myioletric prostheses, which are controlled by the patient through sensors on the skin. Any voluntary muscle movement is preceded by electrical impulses from the motor neurons that are applied to the periphery of the muscle fibers. The electromyography process collects part of these electrical potentials generated in the contraction of muscle fibers through electrodes placed in specific positions according to the muscles or muscle groups responsible for the movement. Even when a limb and associated musculature is lost, it is still possible to capture the electrical impulses that would originate the muscle movement, in order to be applied in the activation of a prosthesis. In this way, the electrical signals captured by the electrodes are treated and transmitted to the prosthesis control system, which, through its programming, activates the servomotors to perform the desired movements. This project aims to collect and treat the electromyography signals so that they are applied to a hand prosthesis made in a 3D printer, aiming at the reproduction of the movements of the lost limb through compact battery-powered servomechanisms and managed by microcontrollers. The development of a low-cost prosthesis is sought, enabling a greater social dissemination of the technology.
Team: Prof. Luis Henrique A. Lolis.
Abstract: This project aims to study and apply various radio-frequency (RF) systems dedicated to sensor networks. The main aspects to be addressed include compatibility among different RF systems, diagnosis of complex systems, power consumption optimization, network topology, advanced device configuration, and development of tools to aid in wireless network design.
Team: Prof. André Mariano, Prof. Eduardo Parente Ribeiro, Prof. Giselle Lopes Ferrari Ronque, Prof. Oscar Gouveia Filho, Prof. Evelio M. G. Fernández, Prof. Bernardo R. B. de Almeida Leite.
Abstract: This project aims to study and apply various radio-frequency (RF) systems dedicated to sensor networks. The main aspects to be addressed include compatibility among different RF systems, diagnosis of complex systems, power consumption optimization, network topology, advanced device configuration, and development of tools to aid in wireless network design.
Team: Prof. Marlio Bonfim.
Abstract: Spin Electronics or Spintronics is a science that deals primarily with electronic interactions with magnetic materials, where it is important not only the electron current but also its spin state. This science has developed at great speed in recent years, due to the growing interest in fundamental studies as well as its technological applications. Among these applications, MRAM’s stand out, magnetic memories with non-volatility properties and high access speed, which promise a significant advance in the data storage segment in the near future. Theoretical and experimental aspects of Spintrônica are the focus of this research, aiming at a better understanding and consolidation of knowledge. Particularly the dynamics involved in the spin transitions and magnetic domains are analyzed in this research, because the frequency of operation of the spintronic devices is closely related to this dynamics.
Team: Prof. Bernardo R. B. de Almeida Leite.
Abstract: This research project focuses on the design of integrated circuits for wireless applications. The study, specification, design, simulation and test of radiofrequency and mixed-signal circuits CMOS circuits are carried out, applying innovative solutions for the optimization of their performance. Moreover, this project targets the study, design, electromagnetic simulation and modeling of passive components such as transmission lines, inductors, transformers, baluns and power combiners in advanced silicon-based technologies.
Team: Prof. César Augusto Dartora.
Abstract: The present project is expected to last for 5 (five) years,
aiming at the study of scale effects, dimensionality and gauge symmetries
on condensed matter, and more specifically on nanostructures and organic
polymers. The objectives of this project are the study charge and spin
transport dynamics in nanostructures and graphene, the search for optical
analogies for graphene and the study and application of polymers in
photovoltaic devices. We also propose to further study extensions of the
theory of Dirac fermions in fractal dimensions, as well as to try to
understand and apply the gauge principle to fractional operators. It is
known that fractional derivatives, unlike whole derivatives, have an
intrinsic non-local character, which can have consequences in quantum
mechanics. The identification of systems that can be more easily
understood through fractional geometries, and eventually the study of the
effect of scale, self-similarity and renormalization will also be sought.
In addition to these general objectives, the continuity in the training of
human resources, through the orientation of doctoral theses and master's
dissertations, in the Engineering and Materials Science (PIPE / UFPR) and
Electrical Engineering (PPGEE / UFPR) programs, as well as the production
of teaching articles and scientific dissemination. Finally, the
acquisition of a cryogenics system, currently installed at the UFPR
Magnetism, Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory (LAMMI), through a
project included in the Universal Call - MCTI / CNPq No 14/2013, under the
number CNPq 471521 / 2013- 2 , allows experimental studies of electrical
and magnetic measurements at low temperatures, which can be explored in
the orientation of theses and dissertations.
Team: Prof. Leandro dos Santos Coelho.
Abstract: This project aims to propose and validate innovative artificial intelligence approaches including optimization metaheuristics and efficient machine learning paradigms (deep learning models, decision trees, support vector machines, among others). In terms of application fields, the focus is on solving optimization, regression, forecasting, classification and data clustering problems in robotics, electrical power systems, finance, brain-machine interface, neuroscience, control systems, and image processing.
Key-words: Artificial intelligence, Metaheuristics, Machine learning, Deep learning, Artificial neural networks, Fuzzy systems, System identification, Time series forecasting, Control systems, Image processing.
Team: Prof. Gustavo Henrique da Costa Oliveira and Prof. Gideon Villar Leandro.
Abstract: This project aims to investigate problems within the field of dynamic systems, such as the design of advanced control systems and/or new systems identification methods, including aspects of analysis and simulation. New techniques are studied as well as case studies for applications in real situations are also investigated. As far as control systems are concerned, all design steps are covered. Modeling, controller synthesis, performance analysis and practical implementation of the algorithms. The main studied approaches are predictive control, robust control and non-integer-order control (fractional order control). As far as system identification method, time-domain and frequency-domain are used. The method are mainly based on orthonormal bases functions, but also vector-fitting and subspace algorithms are employed. In this project, the emphasis is on fundamental theoretical issues as well as practical applications related to different areas of engineering.
Team: Prof. Gustavo Henrique da Costa Oliveira.
Abstract: Microgrids are defined as a single and complex controlled system made up of a set of distributed energy resources, which may include renewable energy sources and energy storage systems. This system provides energy for its local loads and/or for the rest of the electrical system. Microgrids contain different control loops for their energy sources, operating at various hierarchical levels. Some are grid forming, that is, the controlled variables are voltage and frequency. Others are grid following and operate as a controlled current source. This is an ideal application for developing new control algorithms to improve Microgrid performance due to its natural complexity and relevance in the last decade. Therefore, this is the main objective of this project. Moreover, This being an offshoot of the R&D project developed at UFPR, the goal is also to use the UFPR benchmark in its practical studies.
Team: Prof. Gideon Villar Leandro.
Abstract: This project aims to develop mathematical models of continuous-time and discrete-event systems, whose dynamics in many cases depend on human decisions. Its objective is to analyze and simulate systems, especially using numerical and experimental methods, whose dynamics are governed by time or events. Emphasis is placed on fundamental theoretical issues and their applications. Currently, algorithms and applications are being developed for numerical simulation and optimization of systems in various fields.